Auditions for Frozen JR   (to be performed April 29-May 1, 2022  at the Saenger Theater) will be held during regular class time the week of November 15. This is the week before Thanksgiving break.  Also, check your calendar for performance dates to be sure there are no conflicts.

 When we auditioned for Frozen JR originally it was in November of 2019 for our show in April of 2020.  As you all know the pandemic prevented us from performing.  Our performance dates this spring will be 2 ½ years from our original casting dates.  Therefore we must recast the entire show.  Kids just go through so many changes physically and vocally in that length of time.

 We know you have many questions about the auditions. Hopefully, the following will answer any questions you might have!  If not just call or text  me at 601-408-8201.

 If your child misses auditions during their class, they can come to any other class to audition, no matter the age group.  Just let us know in advance when they will be coming.  If you know your child will not be able to audition that week please let us know early enough to set up another time.

 Auditioning is part of what we teach at StageStruck so we require all students to audition. I am constantly hearing from schools and other theatre groups how well our students do at auditions and how they stand out from others who are auditioning. We have been working with these kids for a while in classes and are aware of their capabilities so please don’t think casting is based solely on their audition.

 Every student will be cast in the show and perform in all the performances.  We may double cast some of the parts in the show. This means some of the principal roles will have two students playing them.  Each cast will have two performances.

 For auditions students will need to prepare a song, a monologue, a resume and know the dance, “Can’t Back Down” from Disney’s Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam. They have been learning this dance in class for the past few weeks.  To help them practice this dance there is a video on our website under “Student Resources” then click on  “Choreography Videos.”

·       Students have selected a 60 second monologue (more or less). It should be memorized for auditions. The sooner they memorize their monologue the more comfortable they will be performing it.

  • Mr. Joey Kaar, our music teacher, will be teaching the song they will need to sing for their audition.  Those songs are listed below.  The song should be memorized. Remind your child to “perform” these songs with as much personality as possible. We will provide 2nd – 8th Grade with a copy of the song they are to sing. Those who select their own song for audition will need to bring a CD for their accompaniment (without vocals on it.)

o   2nd – 5th Grade  “Let the Sun Shine”

o   6th –  8th Grade “For the First Time in Forever”

o   High School Class may select their audition song.

 ·       Each student will need to bring their resume on the day of their audition. This is a performance resume.  We have been discussing in class what information needs to be on the resume, but you can go to our website for more detail and a sample of a resume. The resume should be one page only. And don’t worry … most of their resumes will not be very long.  Returning students should update their resume with any new performances. We ask that you include your child's shoe size, clothing size, and t-shirt size on their resume. Be sure to indicate if the t-shirt size is a child or adult size.  Include a “headshot,” a recent photograph of your child, that shows their face from the chest up. THIS DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A PROFESSIONAL PHOTO. We prefer it to be stapled to the resume at the upper right hand corner so none of their info will be covered.

 ·       The dance will be done in a group not individually.

·       Students will go individually into the room, hand their resume to teachers, perform their monologue and then sing the song they have prepared.  They will not get to complete the entire song because of time restraints but we have told them that. 

Results of the auditions should be posted on our website during Thanksgiving break. You will notified by email when they are posted.

 After the first of the year, there will be rehearsals that will take place outside of regular class time. The majority of these rehearsals will be held on Wednesday and Friday afternoons and a couple of weekend intensives.  There will also be rehearsing taking place during their regular class time. When we have the scheduled rehearsals, we will still have regular classes unless otherwise indicated on the rehearsal schedule.

 We will send out the rehearsal calendar/schedule after the Christmas/New Year Holidays.  Please be aware these schedules are subject to change.  When you do get the calendar, please check your child’s calendar of activities for any conflicts!

 Please let me know if anyone has any questions!   Just remind your children to be prepared and have fun. The kids get stressed and never think that they did their best, but just remind them auditions are just another part of theatre and acting.

 Thank you for sharing your children with us!          Brenda Shows